Hong Kong Inter School Inline Skating Association (HKISISA)
贊助機構 Sponsors
Eastern District Council Eastern District Office
Checker Inline Skating School
2019年6月30日 (星期日)
30th Jun, 2019 (SUN)
09:00 – 11:30
柴灣體育館 3/F
Chai Wan Sport Center 3/F
費用Entry Fee
賽事組別及距離Age Group & Distance
- 幼稚園組 Kindergarten: 1圈 / 2圈 / 3圈 / 4圈
- 小學1-2年級組 Primary 1 & 2: 1圈 / 2圈 / 3圈 / 4圈
- 小學3-4年級組 Primary 3 & 4: 1圈 / 2圈 / 3圈 / 4圈
- 小學5-6年級組 Primary 5 & 6: 1圈 / 2圈 / 3圈 / 4圈
- 中學1-6年級組 Secondary 1 – 6: 1圈 / 2圈 / 3圈 / 4圈
* 每名運動員只可參加最多兩項賽事
* Each skater can only participate in a maximum of 2 race distances
個人獎項 Personal Awards
- 每項賽事首三名得獎者可獲獎牌一枚
Medals are awarded to the champion, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up of each race - 每位完成賽事之參賽者皆可獲發成績證書
Certificates are presented to skaters who complete the race
All participates have to submit their Application though online system before 13/6/2019
重要事項Important Notices
- 未滿18歲之參賽者需由家長或監護人簽署報名表格 Application form should be signed by guardians for those under the age of 18
- 參賽者必需配戴頭盔作賽,其他保護裝備則可自由配戴 Helmet is needed for participating the race, other protection gears are optional
- 分組名單將由電腦抽纖決定 Race groups will be generated randomly by computer
- 如出賽人數不足7人,最後1名參賽者將不獲發獎項 If there is less than 7 skaters, award will not be presented to the last skater
- 大會有權取消提供虛假資料的參賽者之比賽資格 The organizers reserve the rights to refuse entries for those who provides false enrollment information
- 如比賽當日香港天文台於上午7時仍然懸掛紅色或黑色暴雨警告,或三號及以上之熱帶氣旋警告,比賽將會取消 The event will be cancelled if red or black rainstorm signal, or tropical cyclone signal no.3 or above is hoisted by The Hong Kong Observatory at 7am on the race day
- 參賽者須於報名前細閱並同意有關比賽聲明及細則,詳情可參閱網站http://www.rollersports.com.hk Participate must read and agrees the waiver and release agreement before enrollment. Please refer to the website http://www.rollersports.com.hk for more details
- 如有任何爭議,大會將保留最終決定權 In the event of a dispute arising out of this programme, the decision of the organizations shall be final
更多相片可到 Run-pic 下載